4 Ways to Confidently Outsource (until science invents cloning)
As a business owner, you have to be a Jack or Jill of all trades.
What are you today? An accountant, marketer, lawyer, bookkeeper, technician…
However, if you intend to keep your sanity and business running smoothly, you need to either clone yourself or find ways to spread your workload. Given that modern science is yet to deliver on the cloning option, (but colonising Mars makes total sense), your best bet is to divide and conquer, so here are some tips to get you started. Huzzah!
1. Clean your books:
Bookkeeping for a small business is getting more and more complicated. Unless you’re spending time keeping up with the latest requirements for BAS reporting, you could be missing out or worse, messing up, which could cost you even more time and money.
A good bookkeeper will save you money in the long run, not to mention many sleepless nights.
(And we mean a good bookkeeper, not just your sister-in-law’s hairdresser’s cousin’s friend who once had a calculator – that person can do more serious harm than good)
2. Buy selling:
Getting some advice or assistance from an expert to develop comprehensive marketing strategies can ensure you are putting your product/service in front of the right group of consumers. This will lead you to great sales results.
3. Invest in a sounding board:
If you have read our previous blog, “It Doesn’t Have To Be Lonely At The Top”, you already know where I’m heading. No one will ever be as excited and as invested in your business as YOU are. However, a coach is fantastic tool to employ, whether it is as a sounding board, creating goals, team advice or implementing new business strategies.
4. Protect your assets:
As a business owner, your entrepreneurial spirit, passion, vision and persistence are your greatest assets. Outsource where you can and spend your time focusing on your strengths.
When our business coaching clients aren’t sure whether to outsource, here are some questions we get them to ask themselves:
Is this the best use of my time?
Is this area a strength of mine?
Can someone else do a better job than I can?
Is this a skill set that I want to invest in for myself?
At Tenfold we not only embrace outsourcing we encourage it. We align ourselves with other elite businesses that can assist us and our clients when required. We are not admitting weakness but the chance to network and learn from other people who, like you, are passionate about their business and skill set.
Even when the cloning starts will you still want to create a clone army OR will you unite with a band of professionals who will embrace your passion and use their help support you.