Coaching for established businesses across the business life cycle

Consistent success is the result of a well-managed business across all stages of the life cycle.

At Tenfold our breadth and depth of experience comes from coaching businesses through growth, maturity, expansion, renewal and exit stages.

Get the competitive advantage of a Tenfold Business Coach.

Explore how our knowledge and experience can benefit your established business ($1M+)

Business Coaching Lifecycle Stages

Review of Tenfold Business Coaching

Primal Health Club Scott Upston

Scott Upston, Director
Primal Health Club

Primal Health Club logo

“We’d been in business for several years so we thought we knew what we needed to do – until we got a new perspective from our Tenfold business coach.

The advice and strategies from our coach, Lee, have taken our business to the next level.”

Long-range view and agile advice

Advice and plans for your business to progress and thrive over the long term.

Lee Dore Extrordinair 2022

Businesses of all types and industries go through the stages of the business life cycle as they strive to succeed.

Each stage has unique challenges, pressures and opportunities. The resources and activities of the business need to change to suit the current life cycle stage.

Strategies and tactics that are necessary in one stage will not be effective in another stage.

Only a business coach who has mentored businesses across the full business life cycle has the knowledge to predict what is coming around the corner.

At Tenfold, we know that the value of foresight beats the regret of hindsight.

Growth Stage of the business life cycle

The signs your business is in the Growth Stage of the Business Life Cycle

Your business is in the growth stage if the majority of your time is spent:

  • Producing the product and delivering the service

  • Finding new customers
  • Recruiting your team

  • Managing money carefully – what you owe to who, who owes what to you

  • Implementing systems
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Business coaching for the Growth Stage

As your business grows, so should your knowledge.

The challenge is to ensure that your knowledge is growing at a faster pace than the business, because a business is limited by what the business owner knows.

To support a business going through the growth stage of the business life cycle, the best option is one-to-one coaching to build your business acumen.

The business coaching services our mentors provide is like a business degree customised exclusively for you and your business.

Learn from the best to be the best and invest in your own business acumen.

Maturity Stage of the business life cycle

Signs your business is in the Maturity Stage of the Business Life Cycle

Your business is in the maturity stage if the majority of your time is spent:

  • Retaining your team

  • Managing and maintaining clients
  • Improving efficiency and effectiveness across all areas of the business
  • Protecting your market position and your “cash cow”
  • Protecting your business IP and assets
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Business coaching for the Maturity Stage

A mature business benefits from reliable income and stable operations. But reaching maturity isn’t the end goal for business – there’s more to be achieved. And what got you here won’t get you there.

Many business owners come to Tenfold because they have outgrown their previous advisor who helped them in the early stages of business.

Our experience in working with mature businesses means we draw on advanced strategies to get more value for the business owners and equity holders.

Tenfold has the advantage of having “walked the walk”, so we know what it takes to keep a mature business active and delivering results.

Expansion Stage of the business life cycle

Signs that your business is ready for the Expansion Stage of the Business Life Cycle

Your business is primed for expansion when:

  • Your business model has delivered predictable profit over multiple periods

  • Systems are efficient, effective and reliable

  • Key roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and aligned with the business goals
  • You have the capital and resources to expand

  • Assets are protected through appropriate structures and risk management

  • You’re hungry for more

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Business coaching for the Expansion Stage

Not every mature business should expand. Good profits can be made from a boring business. But if you believe that your business can do more and be more, then a Tenfold business coach will help you expand.

Starting with our proven model for analysing expansion options, we help business owners understand their options. Expansion can be achieved through a range of ways including new product/service and/or diversification, acquiring new customers in existing markets or expanding your reach to new locations.

Every business is different so there’s no one-size-fits-all template for expansion. Tenfold business coaches have real-world experience in helping businesses expand interstate, buy competitors and suppliers, take new products and services to market and enter new markets. We use that first-hand knowledge to assess the opportunity, risks, timing and cost/benefit and ROI potential for each expansion strategy.

Good planning leads to smart decisions and strong execution.

Renewal Stage of the business life cycle

Signs that your business is ready for the Renewal Stage of the Business Life Cycle

Your business will benefit from renewal to:

  • Prevent your stable market share from decreasing

  • Get out of the rut of stagnation

  • Avoid key staff departing or being disengaged

  • Defend against existing competitors and up-and-coming contenders

  • Pivot and set a new course of direction

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Business coaching for the Renewal Stage

It takes guts to recognise that your business is at risk of underperformance. Especially if the business has been operating well for multiple years. The harsh reality is that a stale business is at risk of slipping into stagnation.

That’s where a fresh set of eyes from a Tenfold business coach can help. Because we work with business across industries, we see what’s on the cutting edge. We actively pursue innovative strategies from marketing tactics to new systems and staff engagement and recruitment.

Your Tenfold coach assesses the areas of your business need attention and what should be cut out. We map out a plan to give the business a new lease of life through strategies such as diversification, reposition, rebrand and reinvestment.

Harvest / Exit Stage of the business life cycle

Signs that your business is ready for Harvest / Exit Stage of the Business Life Cycle

Your business may be ready for exiting / harvesting when:

  • There are viable options for succession and handover to be run under management

  • Third parties have expressed interest in acquiring the business

  • There is heightened M&A activity in the market and within your supply chain

  • Conditions are optimal to sell the business to an external buyer at an attractive price

  • The business owner wants to use their time and wealth to pursue other business opportunities or enjoy more leisure activities

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Business coaching for the Harvest / Exit Stage

A Tenfold Business Coach can help you capitalise on your options in the harvest/exit stage of the business life cycle.

We develop succession plans so the owner can step away from the day to day running of the business. Our coaching can support the transfer of operations to a GM or executive team to be run under management.

This option is highly appealing to many business owners as it enables them to retain ownership of the business while receiving a passive income stream.

Other business owners want to harvest the wealth they have accumulated in the business by selling to a third party. To maximise the value, Tenfold business coaching focuses on positioning the business as a highly attractive acquisition to a buyer. We know what it takes to solicit the right price AND the right terms.

Whichever option you are considering to exit your business, the most important aspect is ensuring that you capitalise on the years of effort and money you have invested in your business. An experienced Tenfold business coach will guide you through the process and act in your best interest.

Case Study: Mobile Automation survives the GFC in 2008 and the global pandemic in 2020/22, comes out ahead

When the global financial crisis hit in 2008, Mobile Automation used the guidance of their Tenfold business coach to weather the storm. While other businesses in their field struggled and sank, Mobile Automation applied the strategies from their business coach, Ash, to keep their business afloat. They survived the downturn and then when the economy picked up, they were ahead of the pack. The business continued to work with their Tenfold coach on their big picture plans.

In 2020, Mobile Automation was still going strong with Tenfold when the global pandemic hit. Again, their business coach helped navigate the challenges of the crisis. With clear thinking and smart strategies, the business was able to maintain its position as a reliable and profitable supplier of commercial maintenance services to the robotics and industrial electrics sector.

By analysing the economic outlook for Australia’s industrial sector, Tenfold business coach could plan when the right time was for Mobile Automation to change strategies. While others were playing catch up, Mobile Automation has been leading from the front with their business coach.

Only a coach with the breadth and depth of 20 years experience can provide that level of long-range strategic advice across all stages of the business life cycle.

Mobile automation logo
20 years before and now 2022 australia business coach

Tenfold Business Coach, Ash Thomson, has been advising Australian businesses for over 20 years

Case Study: Mobile Automation survives the GFC in 2008 and the global pandemic in 2020/22, comes out ahead

Mobile automation logo
20 years before and now 2022 australia business coach

Tenfold Business Coach, Ash Thomson, has been advising Australian businesses for over 20 years

When the global financial crisis hit in 2008, Mobile Automation used the guidance of their Tenfold business coach to weather the storm. While other businesses in their field struggled and sank, Mobile Automation applied the strategies from their business coach, Ash, to keep their business afloat. They survived the downturn and then when the economy picked up, they were ahead of the pack. The business continued to work with their Tenfold coach on their big picture plans.

In 2020, Mobile Automation was still going strong with Tenfold when the global pandemic hit. Again, their business coach helped navigate the challenges of the crisis. With clear thinking and smart strategies, the business was able to maintain its position as a reliable and profitable supplier of commercial maintenance services to the robotics and industrial electrics sector.

By analysing the economic outlook for Australia’s industrial sector, Tenfold business coach could plan when the right time was for Mobile Automation to change strategies. While others were playing catch up, Mobile Automation has been leading from the front with their business coach.

Only a coach with the breadth and depth of 20 years experience can provide that level of long-range strategic advice across all stages of the business life cycle.

Discover what’s possible with
Tenfold Business Coaching

See the bigger picture for your business

Smart Strategies | Expert Advice | Real Results