Business Strategy Plans

Strategic advice to pivot, diversify or expand your markets.

Get expert advice to focus on the key areas of your business that need extra attention. A business coach provides guidance and practical plans to boost your business.

With the right direction and targets, you can move forward with clarity and confidence. The initial 2-hour session is conducted 1:1 with a Tenfold business coach matched to your business (minimum business revenue $1M p.a.). You’ll get first-hand experience of what ongoing business coaching can do for your business.

Discover what’s possible with a Tenfold business strategy expert…

Back your business growth with smart strategies for real results

SMART plansTools for tracking progressPractical advice

Review of Tenfold Business Coaching

Richie Miles, Director
Surrey Hills Garden Supplies

Surrey Hills Garden Supplies Logo

“We have had a paving and landscaping business for several years. With advice from our Tenfold business coach, we have also been growing our garden supply business.

The strategies from our business coach are building on the strengths of both businesses.”

Richie Miles, Director
Surrey Hills Garden Supplies

Richie and Carolyn Miles have been clients of Tenfold’s since 2003.

Surrey Hills Garden Supplies Business Coach

Meet the Tenfold team of business advisors

Ashley Thomson headshot sq 2022
Lee Dore headshot sq 2022
Darren Silsby headshot 2023

Find out why our business coaches love working at Tenfold

Expert strategic advice for real results

Business coaching services to simplify the complex.

When you work one-on-one with a Tenfold business coach, you get the advice of an expert. We can help:

  • Assess the commercial viability of a new market, service or product
  • Map out a short-term plan to get you on the path to results
  • Provide practical advice on better ways of working
  • Examine your business to see what makes it tick
  • Identify what may be holding you back and how to move forward

Find out what a Tenfold business coach can do for your business…

Do you know what you need to know?

Recommended Reading List

Warren Buffett, business magnate, knows a thing or two about profit. So people pay attention when he says,

“Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.”

Reduce your risk with this recommended reading list. The knowledge that awaits you in these pages will empower you to make the right decisions to achieve your goals.

Discover What’s Possible with Tenfold Business Coaching

Expert Advice  |  Smart Strategies  |  Real Results