Real reviews about Tenfold coaching from business owners.
Ask anyone about us and they’ll tell you it’s not in our nature to brag. Sure, we’re pleased with what we’ve achieved but our biggest source of pride is the results we help our business coaching clients achieve.
So we ask that when you read the testimonials here, please focus on their results and the pride they have in their business. And if that sounds like something you want too, well, we’d be proud to be on your side as your business coach.
Testimonial from Owen Johnson
Comvision Australia
My name is Owen Johnson, I’m the managing director of Comvision Australia. We do manage IT services for smaller businesses and mid-size enterprise businesses, so basically companies that aren’t large enough to have their own full-time internal IT department, we do end-to-end IT support and management.
We were getting by but not growing
Before we started coaching with Tenfold, we were a small business. It was myself and a business partner and we had a couple of techs. We weren’t building to any growth, we were making ok profit but nothing really other than just being able to take home a pay cheque at the end of each week.
And so, what we were looking for when we were coming to coaching was something that could help us actually build a business model and a business structure and something that could allow us to grow and actually start turning it into a proper business.
What we were looking to do was to take the business to the next level, and we really had no idea how to do it.
Coaching gave us strategies that increased our sales and profit
One of the great things that coaching has given us is an understanding of what our niche is, and what our target market is. When we first started the business and for really quite a few years after that, we’d take on any work that came our way. Any dollar was a good dollar. And what we were finding was that we were taking on a lot of work that really was little profit to no profit at all.
What we’ve been able to do with coaching is identify our niche. Once we became clear on what our niche was, we were able to reposition our services and recreate our service models to fit that niche. And that gave us the confidence to go after the larger clients, the more high-value clients and target the work that gave us the best return and the most profit.
Over the time that we’ve been working with Tenfold, our sales have doubled and then doubled again, and our net profit has increased seven times over.
We’ve been able to expand our services, expand our service offerings, we’ve now got an office in Sydney and we service clients Australia-wide.
In the time that we’ve been coaching, we’ve been ranked 3 times among the fastest-50 growing IT companies in Australia.
Coaching helped me become the leader my growing business needs
One of the things that I learned really early in my coaching journey was that I had to grow a lot as a leader. I was able to manage myself well but I didn’t know how to manage others. When my business partner exited the business, it was all up to me. And so, since I’ve been coaching I’ve learned how to be a leader, how to get better people into the business and how to lead them well.
Because of the work that we’ve done with our business coach in building the systems, putting the processes in place, and getting the right people in our business, I’ve actually finally been able to start taking holidays. I’ve had some long holidays away with my family and the business has been able to keep going seamlessly without me. That’s something I never could’ve dreamed of before I started coaching.
The value of our business has just kept growing, and it’s still growing with more really exciting things on the horizon for us, so the future looks really bright.
If you want better profits and stronger cash flow in your business, then I definitely recommend taking on a Tenfold coach. They deliver the best coaching services in Australia for growing businesses.