Real reviews about Tenfold coaching from business owners.

Ask anyone about us and they’ll tell you it’s not in our nature to brag. Sure, we’re pleased with what we’ve achieved but our biggest source of pride is the results we help our business coaching clients achieve.
So we ask that when you read the testimonials here, please focus on their results and the pride they have in their business. And if that sounds like something you want too, well, we’d be proud to be on your side as your business coach.
Testimonial from Fiona Chin
Vitalchi Wellness Sanctuary
I’ve been working with Ashley for just over a year.
We’re a small business, with 13 sub contractors and four reception staff. We’re a natural therapies clinic specialising in wellness care with everyone from an osteopath, chiropractor to acupuncture, massage therapy and naturopathy, so we cover all those bases.
I had been doing group coaching with other people, and just found that group coaching didn’t work for me. My business was in a different place compared to everyone else – everyone else was in setup or was a one person business and we were a bigger company, so that wasn’t working. I jumped on the internet and I knew the ActionCOACH group had a good reputation. I saw Ashley’s profile and read a few testimonials, and I decided to try Ashley.
Coaching has made a 300% difference in our takings this year.
As well as that great result, I’m far more focused, and I like knowing what to work on, having someone who I can workshop ideas with and run through what will work and what won’t.I find the specific direction and the one on one attention really good. I tend to do a lot of things at once, so it helped to have a specific goal to work towards and the steps for how to get there, and the support on how to do all that in the most effective way. Ashley has provided great support.
I’m far less stressed now. I’ve removed myself more and more from the business. I work less hours, which is great, and now I’m more the leader of my business – I direct it where to go rather than feeling like I’m the person who does everything and takes responsibility for everyone.
I’m doing far more working on the business that in the business. I have much better role differentiation. I have two days a week where I go in and I’m a practitioner and that’s all I do, and the rest of the time I’m working on the business. Ashley’s definitely changed my mind on how I do that –and I enjoy it heaps more.
The biggest change is probably the way that I communicate and the way that I work with my sub contractors. I’m much more proactive with them – I’ve almost become their coach for what they can do to get more clients and get busy. Before, I was waiting for things to fall out of sky and I had the expectation that everyone would be self-motivated like I am. It’s been a huge change. This helps them get more out of their business as well, which helps the business. And I work far less hours.
Ashley has helped with procedures and productivity. Things are much smoother now, and everyone knows what they’re doing. My staff are spending less time on admin, and spending more time on clients.
We’ve reached the goals that I set when I started working with Ashley – which was to have a million dollar business. Now we’ve done that, so we can move on to the next goals. I wanted it to be a profitable, well-run business and we’ve achieved that.
That’s all been done in a year, which I give myself a bit of hard time about, but I guess it’s pretty impressive.
Ashley also helped me learn how to best affect the bottom line and how to improve the profit margins, and how much to spend here and there. Now when we spend money we know it’s going into the areas in needs to be in.
I was working 7 days a week, 10 hours a day or more. Now I see clients 2 days a week for 10 hours, the other three days I spend half days working on the business – and have 2 days off a week.
Ashley is a great Business coach, and I highly recommend him to anyone.
My advice would be, just do it. Most people put it off. If you want to be good in your field – if you look at top tennis players they all have coaches – it’s exactly the same in business. I’ve had some sort of coach from the beginning of my business, and people often say to me that my business has done so well so quickly, and I think, yes, because I’ve had coaches the entire time. I would say to anyone thinking about getting a coach, if you want to be good in your field, you have to have a coach. It makes no logical sense not to do it that way.
To learn more about Vitalchi Wellness, visit their website at