Business coaching for concreters

The foundation of long lasting success for concreters is profitability. Whether you’re a specialist in domestic slabs, sloped driveways or hardscapes for commercial landscapers, your effort deserves to show up in your bank account.

Explore what’s possible when your technical skills are multiplied by Tenfold’s business knowledge for profitable concrete contractor companies.

Take your concreting business to the next level with Tenfold Business Coaching

Big picture strategies and coaching for concreters

Know your numbers

If you’re not sure how much net profit you’re making on every pour, there’s a risk you’re leaking money.

Get advice to plug the gaps and improve your margins.

Get ahead of the pack

Stand out as the go-to contractor in the highly competitive field of concreters.

Secure a profitable niche, and win the jobs you want: profitable pours.

Be in control

A healthy concreting business is like a good pump: all the parts work to deliver the right flow of outcomes.

Control the gears that drive profit:
Sales | Cash Flow | Productivity

Bulletproof your business

Protect your concreting business from the knocks.

Realistic planning and resource management to run productive and predictable business.

Lead a high performing team

Attract and retain a reliable gang of formworkers, labourers and steelfixers.

Create a collaborative team that can be relied on through thick and thin.

Freedom to Choose

Work ON your business, not in it.

Take your business to the next level, or just take time off without thinking about projects in the ground. Experience real financial freedom.

Back your concrete contracting business growth with:

Financial tools to track and improve performanceNext-level strategies for your big pictureBest practices for pricing, systems and cost controlManagement coaching for productive crews

Back your concreting building business with smart strategies for bankable growth

Business Coaching Firm of the Year for growing Australian businesses

Awarded: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017

Team group

Business coaching for concreters provides intel and accountability

Know what you need to know to drive your business results.


You wouldn’t guess about curing times, so don’t make guesses in your business.

You know what you know. And as business coaches, we know how to drive results for concreters. Our experience helps you make informed decisions to improve your concreting business. And we’ll keep you accountable to get the results your effort deserves.

Coaching supports your business with customised strategies for:

  • Best Practices for Productivity: Use best practices from top performing crews to improve the efficiency of jobs. Embed quality standards to reduce rework.
  • Consistent Profits: Maximise the square metre rate per job with the right pricing for materials, labour and subbies. Control your costs and improve your margins: the 1%-ers add up.
  • Financial security: Ensure the cash flow at each stage sustains the growth requirements at the next stage. Have cash banked for wet weather contingencies.

Take the guesswork out of your business. When you know better, you do better.

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Doug lord Yellowstone

“With any investment, you should be able to put a dollar figure on it and then track your return. That’s what I get with Tenfold business coaching.

I’ve referred other businesses to Tenfold because they get real results.”

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Matt Rickard, Director

Review of Tenfold Business Coaching

“With any investment, you should be able to put a dollar figure on it and then track your return. That’s what I get with Tenfold business coaching.

I’ve referred other businesses to Tenfold because they get real results.”

Matt Rickard, Director

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matt rickard concretum coaching client

Leadership coaching to manage efficient crews

Lead high performing crews of reliable employees and subbies

Pool builder team management coaching
Pool builder team management coaching
mechanic workshop team leadership

Concreting is one of the most physically demanding jobs in the construction industry. It’s not an accredited trade but concreting projects are often more complex than jobs in other skilled trades.

Unlike electricians and plumbers, there isn’t a pathway through an apprenticeship or TAFE for skill development so the pressure is on the employer to train their team well.

The high value and complexity of concrete work means it’s critical to get every job right. Errors in the process – particularly early in a project – can’t be undone easily. A mistake can push out the rest of the schedule and can carry the cost of liquidated damages and reputational black marks.

That’s why business coaching for concreters focuses on building efficient crews of employees, subbies and specialist contractors. Some of the key areas we work on with you are:

  • Repeatable Training: Implementing standard operating procedures to reduce the risk of errors and make every job as “set and forget” as possible.
  • Recruiting and Retaining: Attract quick learners and hard workers (and filtering out not suitable), and keeping the good operators with right-size remuneration and development.
  • Management Training for Crew Leaders: Develop the leadership skills of your crew leaders. Build their knowledge of how to manage well-run sites: delegation, training labourers, setting high quality standards and attention to detail.

Back your business growth with a solid team. Explore what’s possible today.

Experts in job management tools

We make systems work for your business.

Unlike other business coaches, we don’t force you change your job management systems to suit us.

Tenfold business coaches are multidisciplinary and system-agile.

Really, that just means that we know how to use lots of different systems to get the best for your business.

Innovation in concreting to advance your business

Business coaching uses industry insights to give your business a competitive edge

To an outsider, concreting looks basic. Box, mix, pour, finish. But people within the industry understand the range of complexity across jobs. From faced-paced slabs for volume builders to engineer-designed skateparks, suspended slabs and tilt up wall construction, it takes skill and experience to deliver work that can withstand the pressure of time and weight.

And then there’s the weather. No other trade in the construction industry has to manage a factor that is consistently inconsistent as concreters have to deal with weather. Can’t negotiate with weather, can’t incentivise it or penalise it. Weather puts the “liquid” in “liquidated damages”. We get it.

With serious costs and very little room for margin of error, you need to minimise mistakes and maximise margins. As specialist business coaches to the construction industry we know the pressure on profitability. It’s why we invest time researching innovation in the industry that can give our clients an edge.

But it’s not just about looking at groundbreaking products or tech. Bionic exoskeletons and 3D concrete printing (3DCP) are good to know about but if you’re a concreter specialising in domestic basements, exposed agg driveways or hardscapes for local councils, those technological advances might not be as relevant for you in the short term.

However, other developments such as eco-concrete, faster systems for forming up jobs or self-healing concrete could be commercially beneficial. At Tenfold Business Coaching we explore how these opportunities can give your business an advantage, focusing on the markets you specialise in and your operational methods.

Tenfold business coaches specialise in growth strategies for experienced concrete contractors. As Australia’s most awarded coaching firm, our effort shows where it counts: on your bottom line.

Take your concreting business to the next level
with Tenfold Business Coaching

Expert Advice | Smart Strategies | Real Results