
Welcome to Tenfold, Joey

Why we do what we do at Tenfold

Business team meeting, business coaching service

“People don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it.”
– Simon Sinek (Start With Why)

Every day at Tenfold, we see that our experience and knowledge makes a real difference to business owners.

We help our clients to lead thriving and successful businesses because that enables them to have the freedom of choice for the business they want and the life they envision. That’s our why.

Preparing for your alignment consultation

Here’s a guide for the first stage of coaching

  • 1

    Watch Ash’s video (2 mins) >>

  • 2

    Complete the pre-work:
    DISC profile
    12 month goals
    Business profile questionnaire

  • 3
    Familiarise yourself with the coaching concepts – see below

If you have any questions, please speak with your coach or reach out to Tania on 03 9813 8777


Concepts in coaching

Please use the following resources to become familiar with the concepts we’ll be using in coaching.

Of course, you can read the full versions of the books or listen to them in their entirety on audiobook if you prefer.

If you have any questions or thoughts are you’re going through these, please jot them down and discuss them with your coach.



Growth Mindset
by Carole Dweck



The Slight Edge
by Jeff Olson



The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster
By Darren Hardy



Life in Half a Second
by Matthew Michalewicz