Big picture strategies and coaching for pool builders
Know your numbers
If you’re not sure how much net profit you’re making on every build or install, there’s a risk you’re losing money.
Get advice to stop the leaks and improve your margins.
Bulletproof your business
Protect your pool building from the knocks.
Realistic planning and resource management to run a productive and predictable business.
Lead a high performing team
Attract and retain a reliable crew of labourers, pool plumbers, steel fixers and apprentices.
Create a collaborative team that can be relied on through thick and thin.
Freedom to Choose
Work ON your business, not in it.
Take your business to the next level, or just take time off without thinking about projects in the ground. Experience real financial freedom.
Business coaching for pool installers and pool builders provides intel and accountability
Know what you need to know to drive your business results.

You wouldn’t guess about levels for an infinity edge, so don’t make guesses in your business.
As growth experts, our business coaches get the right intel to make informed decisions to improve your pool building business. And we’ll keep you accountable to get the results your business deserves.
Coaching supports your business with customised strategies for:
Take the guesswork out of your business. When you know better, you do better.

Coaching to lead teams of employees and subbies
Lead high performing crews of pool builder technicians and specialist subcontractor trades

Experienced pool builders know the importance of having the onsite trades work well together. The high value and complexity of pool builds means it’s critical to get every install right. Errors in the process – particularly mistakes that happen early on in a project – often can’t be seen until the damage bill has blown out. At that point fixes are at best inconvenient and at worst very expensive, sometimes ending up in legal battles.
That’s why business coaching focuses on building high performing teams of employees, subcontractors and suppliers. Some of the key areas we work on with you are:
Lead a high performing team that grows with your business. Explore what’s possible today.